Obama Rally Draws Enthusiastic Crowd To Dayton Dragon’s Baseball Stadium

Went to the big Barack Obama rally today at the Dragons Baseball Field.  Beautiful day.  I took my antiquated digital camera and took a few shots of Obama and of local Democrats who were sitting close to me.  I was surprised that at a political rally, that there would be an invocation, but there was — a very thoughtful prayer led by a Marianist nun who works at the University of Dayton.  I didn’t catch her name, but I was very impressed by her prayer and would like to find a copy of her prayer to post here at DaytonOS.

I'm guessing that about 6000 people were in attendance.  Obama spoke from a stage place on the field at about the pitcher's mound.

I'm guessing that about 6000 were in attendance. Obama's podium was located about at the pitchers mound.

I was kicking myself for not bringing a note pad to catch some direct quotes, both from the Marianist nun and from Obama.  I thought Obama was slow in getting started, rehashing recent news about the bail out, but not really adding anything of much interest.  But he eventually picked up steam and frequently had the audience on its feet (those not already standing) in strong applause.

My pictures of Obama speaking were so mediocre, I've played around with some Photoshop options.

My pictures of Obama speaking were so mediocre, I tried some Photoshop techniques.

Leadership is an art that includes bringing people to a place of shared vision.  Obama has a vision of America that is inspiring and sees America united toward seeking and realizing a common good, of creating a solid future for all Americans, of making America a leader for good among nations.  Effective leadership requires a level of confidence and trust that is now missing in much of our public life.  Trust in government and leadership is now at an all time low.  Obama has a promising demeanor, a promising outlook.  I am hopeful to believe that Obama has the capacity, the moral authority, needed to gain the confidence, not just of partisan Democrats, but Americans in general.  Great leaders have the gift to inspire, the gift to uplift.  I saw some of that quality in this rally today. I am hopeful to believe that Obama can inspire the leadership and provide the leadership we so badly need.

On the way out, I greeted Mayor McClin and congratulated her on the fine speech she made prior to Obama's.

On the way out, I greeted Mayor McClin and congratulated her on the fine speech she made prior to Obama's.

State Representative, Clayton Luckie (39th Ohio House District)

On the way into the rally I greeted, Common Pleas Court Judge, Mary Wiseman. Mary spoke at our South of Dayton Democrat Club just last night.

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3 Responses to Obama Rally Draws Enthusiastic Crowd To Dayton Dragon’s Baseball Stadium

  1. Terrell says:

    Wish I could have been there.

  2. Terrell says:

    Mike you should cross post some of your rally pics at the Limb, too. I watched part of Obama’s speech there on CNN.

  3. Joe says:

    I hope the nun who said the prayer included the phrase “God help us if a novice like Obama is elected” The presidency is no place for “OJT” or socialistic engineering. However I realize many are hurting here in the Miami Valley as a result of massive job losses as a result of our friend Bill Clinton’s NAFTA treaty. We must all acknowledge, Ross Perot was right, that big wind storm we had a few weeks ago was really the last breath of all the jobs being sucked out of here.

    Hopefully the nun prayed for Dayton’s future too!

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